He may be too young to remember their music, but this new kid definitely has “All The Right Stuff ” to become one of Hollywood’s bright new stars. Actor Elijah Boothe is an emerging talent, both on and off screen. He’s fresh off the first season of Marvel’s hit series “Luke Cage”, and following a slew of paparazzi hits from the past few seasons of New York Fashion Week. Lapalme Magazine hangs tough with the young actor in busy NYC for an exclusive feature, spotlighting his recent works and positive perspective on life that motivates his inner drive.
Photographer – ELIANEL CLINTON @ohyeahitseli
Model – ELIJAH BOOTHE @elijahboothe
Stylist / Creative Director – PHIL KEOPHAPHONE
Article Written by PHIL KEOPHAPHONE
“Your art [LIFE] is an expression of who You are!” Elijah stated. “I choose to inspire through my art. Whether it’s acting or fashion, I’m using my gift to influence others to chase their dreams!”
A strong statement made from a powerful source. Learning about his upbringing, it’s no surprise that such conviction comes deep from his soul. Faith and family have always been strong forces behind his success. Raised amongst pure talent in a household with three older brothers and sister in his hometown of Jackson, New Jersey, he emphasizes his thankfulness of his family’s support and inspiration. All of who are successful artists in their own rights in music and fashion. It seemed the big stage was destined for his path, as he began singing very early for the church he still calls home, Praise Temple Ministries. Excelling still to this day with his vocal gifts, it wasn’t until the tender age of 11 that he sought after his dream of acting when he auditioned for Broadway’s “The Lion King.” Though he didn’t land the role, it was in that moment that he knew acting was his calling.
“It wasn’t the outcome that made me, but the emotion I felt on stage that captured my soul!” he stated. “ Every ‘no’ I’ve heard has made me who I am today. That lesson alone has taught me how important it truly is to trust in your own process.”
This “process” is something that continued to be brought up as he walked me through his journey. A perspective that seemed wise well beyond his years, but a knowledge that flowed naturally through our conversation as he explains the perseverance it takes to survive the industry. A steadfast spirit that pushes him as he continues to progress in his career. His most recently, a reoccurring role in the Netflix’s series “Luke Cage.” It is in this experience that he would get the opportunity to learn from a cast of decorated actors and writers. Including Academy Award Winner Actor, Mahershala Ali, from the box office hit “Moonlight.” A role they shared where Elijah portrayed a younger version of Ali’s character, the series’ super villain named Cottonmouth.
“His pure professionalism has taught me so much about success in this industry.” Elijah respectfully stated. I remember from our initial reading his
personable character. He was very powerful in just his presence and humility alone. All the recent success is truly deserved; he’s an amazing actor. I learned that a kind heart and true talent will always prevail when it’s God’s plan!”
Such belief has to be the generating source for all the great energy finding him lately. Following the success of the show, Elijah has since booked roles in another TV series and 3 feature films due to release in 2018! “CITY” directed by Kenneth Loth, “All These Small Moments” directed by Melissa B. Miller-Costanzo to name a few upcoming projects. As well as the most recent exciting opportunity in a film directed by the legendary Woody Allen! An honorable moment in any actors’ life, one in which is taken very seriously by the young actor. Appreciating the timing as a blessing for his diligence and patience with his craft. He insists that whatever your passion may be, BELIEVE IN IT!
“If you can’t go a day without thinking about it, never give up on it!” he emphasized. “When it’s your time, it’s simply your time. And there’s nothing anyone can do about it!” Boothe stated.
In all of his works, his intentions are to influence a positive change in the world through his arts. Creating true reflections of reality, and telling meaningful stories. Inspiring others to follow their dreams with all their heart because it is possible to achieve them! With all that love and passion, nothing can stop his destined course of prosperity. The future looks very bright for this incredible young talent! Be on the lookout for Season 2 of Netflix’s “Luke Cage”, as well as his big screen debuts in 2018! Elijah Boothe is a star on the rise! Get ready Hollywood, there’s a “New Kid On The Block!”
- Free World of Fashion - April 8, 2015
- Introduction… - April 1, 2015