Home » Meet Peter and Roxanne Heibloem: The Experts of “Soul Remodeling”

Meet Peter and Roxanne Heibloem: The Experts of “Soul Remodeling”

Meet Peter and Roxanne Heibloem: The Experts of “Soul Remodeling”

Healers, consciousness coaches, and acclaimed documentary filmmakers, Peter and Roxanne Heibloem are on a mission to elevate the world’s vibrational frequency.  For those who may not be as familiar with the subject of consciousness, it’s sort of like giving your soul a make-over.  Together they’ve helped thousands across the globe to live happier and healthier lives, recover from repressed trauma, and find more success both personally and professionally.   We sat down with the ultimate soul remodelers to learn more about their incredible healing work, their tips for self-care, and why we all need to be more mindful of our energy.

Tell us a little about your journey to becoming healers and consciousness coaches.

We started our awakening journey back in 2019, after running successful businesses we just did not feel fulfilled anymore. We worked for ourselves and knew internally that there was more for us to have in our life. We sold our business and felt called to heal and elevate our consciousness. We went to a retreat in Costa Rica and spent time with the plant medicine – Ayahuasca. This changed our life completely. It showed us who we truly were, it helped us heal our heart and merge back with our soul. One the plane ride home we knew that we had a wonderful mission in front of us, and this is how Awakening Education and the urge to help others was born.

Peter and Roxanne Heibloem

What does your day-to-day look like as founders of Awakening Education, coaches, and filmmakers?

We generally like to start the day with our family. Having a healthy breakfast, swimming in the ocean or working out in the gym. Once the kids are off to school, we ensure our clients are booked to help them without the kids in the house. We enjoy a balance of lifestyle so want to make sure we don’t only focus on working and have time for ourselves. When there is work to do we go flat out, however our general flow is to have balance. We now understand how important our vibration is, we really ensure we are helping our own souls grow and learn so we can be the best guide for others. We enjoy a few trips to the sunny shores of California each year. We find that we enjoy travelling to the USA to help serve and produce different films to help share the education about consciousness. We love the balance of all roles we play to help make things interesting. We love to create so the filmmaking has been a pleasant addition to our lifestyle!

For those who are new to the idea of conscious living, what are some of the basic takeaways of your teachings that you think everyone can benefit from?

Conscious living is not that hard to implement once you are aware of “Consciousness”. Generally, when this word comes across someone’s life it helps activate an awakening. A deep urge to follow the crumbs to the truth and knowing. 

This would entail finding awareness of your body, mind and spirit. For example, to have health and vitality we would recommend starting your day with movement and a healthy natural meal. Avoiding manufactured foods is a must. Ensure you are drinking clean water so your organs and body function is running well without heavy metals threaded through your system. 

Along with that, being aware of how you act toward other people. Is it negatively charged and judgmental? Or are you seeing others as wonderful gifts of another? This awareness will help your inner mindset. How you then apply the mind chatter to yourself, how you perceive yourself in the mirror for example will also be a good indication of how your mental mind is… 

Other parts of conscious living are realizing we are all from source, all from a greater power. There is no competition… There is also no separation… This is an illusion to keep us all separate in our opinion. So by acknowledging love for another you are connecting to love for yourself. Which is a much better way to live.

Another way to really harness conscious living is to meditate and connect to your heart and soul. Most people are running around so busy every single day, pleasing others and not seeing themselves. So going to bed at night and giving thanks for yourself and all the kind things you did that day is a good habit to get into. Perhaps you can also add all the things you are grateful for also at that time. This energy will help open your heart and align you with your highest potential.

Peter Heibloem

What are some products and tools you love to add to your daily routine? 

Clean water is a must! Conscious food is also a must! Meditation, affirmation and gratitude is a daily habit. We also do a colon cleanse a few times a year. This allows our processing system to be cleansed out. If you think about your small and large intestines and if they have never had a detox, imagine the inner walls… our colon is similar to a rubbish bin, you want to clean that out so you can feel lighter and brighter with more energy and vitality! A healthy balance of nature every day is important for the body to rejuvenate. We love to spend at least 2 hours outside every day to recharge.

How can the foods we eat play a key role in our vibrational frequency? Is there a specific diet that works?

We love this question because we have learned so much on this journey. The key to raising your vibration is to ensure that 80% of your lifestyle is fueled consciously. We felt that our connection and law of attraction was much better when we ate light conscious foods. So no sugar, dairy, gluten. Only fruits, vegetables, clean grain and high-quality meats. Our body is like a vehicle. It will run rough if we have dirty fuel in it! We avoid packet foods or foods that come out of a box. The benefit of this helps you stay in a focused state, you are more on point in your day-to-day life as you are not bogged down by the heavy sugars/gluten.

Peter and Roxanne Heibloem

What are some warning signs that our brain has fallen out of the Alpha “creative flow” state that we should be looking out for? 

Self-doubt is one key way to learn you are out of the alpha state, or you get distracted – i.e. go to social media when a hard problem arises at work, or you procrastinate on the tasks that you have set for yourself. Most people can only stay in the alpha state for a short period of time due to all the distractions in life. We would recommend limited fast social media use and too much brain stimulation from things like coffee, or other addictions.

What does luxury mean to you?

Luxury to us is having a flowing and easy life. It’s about having balance. Easy life is yours when you elevate your frequency and do the inner healing. If you are open to looking at your situation and the negative things you are attracting into your vortex, and asking yourself, show me, teach me, guide me, what is this trying to help me feel? Most people are walking around with trauma from childhood. From false beliefs and programs. It is our job to grow and learn the consciousness lesson from these things and overcome them. So being the observer of these situations is important so you can also have an easy life!

Roxanne Heibloem

What can you tell us about your latest documentary, Ayahuasca – Source for the Soul?

Ayahuasca Ceremonies have been used for thousands of years to heal emotional, physical, and spiritual ailments in indigenous cultures. The plant medicine experience provides deep insight into the nature of the universe, increases self-awareness, and will unlock new layers of consciousness.

They say when a person is ready to meet with the medicine, the medicine will find you… this may be that sign you have been searching for!

Ayahuasca Source for the Soul is about taking people on a journey of self-discovery and deep sacred healing in Costa Rica! It helps captivate people to learn from their personal experience navigating the plant medicine “Ayahuasca” and helps share education about what to expect, how to prepare and insights into getting the most out of an Ayahuasca ceremony.

What is on the horizon for Peter and Roxanne Heibloem?

We set our goal this year to have ease and flow in our regular daily lifestyle, alongside that having a positive impact on humanity. This year we have taken a big step and said yes to creating more TV shows to help inspire others to learn about consciousness and to help others learn they can heal and have love and fulfilment. This is a big year globally for all so us having a positive impact to help people is a big gift to us. 

Peter and Roxanne Heibloem

Photo Credit: Havana Haus
