Now more than ever the world need to be ‘Connected’ and Lapalme Magazine is excited to introduce you to Media Personality and wellness expert Andi Lew in her Cover Feature to tell us about her 8th Book entitled “CONNECTED – A Paradigm Shift in how we View Health”
As a certified food, lifestyle and wellness coach, Andi has had 28 years of experience in finding ways to help people create a better version of themselves! As a TV presenter, media collaborator and product ambassador, Andi has developed a Network in the Wellness Industry that covers nearly every area of allied health, nutrition and personal growth.

What you know about being well, is all about to change.
We are built to thrive, wired to be well, born to heal, but even with the best medical practices, we still have dis-ease that becomes disease. How on earth did we get so disconnected?
Throughout health history, we’ve been taught there’s a pill for every ill, but the power to be well lies in you. Even in natural health care; you are the healer and the practitioner is the catalyst.
This book puts you back control of your own wellbeing. Have better quality conversations with your health practitioners and understand that health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. (W.H.O definition)
Understand holistic health like never before as this journey awakens your perceptions and allows you to see symptoms as your healing powers and answers.
This ultimate wellness guide explains the difference between prevention, cure and early detection. Address the cause, not just the symptoms.
Let’s change the way you age, build immunity and start living a better quality of life, naturally.
At age 47, best-selling author and wellness expert Andi Lew is is a product of what she teaches with 28 years’ experience.
Andi Lew’s 8th book NOW AVAILABLE at www.andilew.com

How has the 2020 global pandemic changed you as a wellness coach and how you advise your clients and those following your journey? I’m so grateful to be able to inspire and educate my readers and clients during this global pandemic and wellness revolution. I was always committed to ‘wellness and prevention’ but this last year made me step up and that’s why I felt compelled to write and release my 8th health title, Connected, A Paradigm Shift in How We View Health. My followers were messaging me on every platform asking me for advice on how to be healthier or boost their immune system and I felt compelled to put it all in a book. Give the readers what they want, right? They knew I have been living and teaching wellness for 29 years and they were finally ready to really listen. 2020 made us see everything differently. It was no coincidence that it all happened in this year. We saw things with “2020 vision” which is what they called it “The Great Awakening”.
You just released your 8th book CONNECTED, A Paradigm Shift in How We View Health. How is the timing of this release synced to what the world needs to know for a healthier future? Oh gosh I can’t believe it’s 8! Every time I release a book, it’s like a birthing process where it’s so difficult, but insanely rewarding and I promise to never do it again but this was created during Melbourne lockdown. We were in a serious lock up with no travel outside 5km and only for food or medical from March 2020 until September 2020 with just a few weeks break in between. I watched my son become extremely sedentary, put on weight and develop depressive thoughts. We knew we needed connection and that we needed to boost our immune systems and learn how our bodies work to heal and adapt. We are designed to heal if we give our body the right environment. Of course there are some limitations of matter, but the majority of us have so much more we could be doing to be functioning at our optimum. For example, one of the best chapters in this book was about the assimilation of nutrition. We know that the quality of our nutrition is key, but the assimilation is crucial. It doesn’t matter how good your nutrition is. If you can’t assimilate it, you may as well be peeing it out. I saw a not of defense in 2020, but not much offense. We weren’t being taught on how to stay well or become the healthiest we can be, so I wrote a book about it. With all my American press tours over the last 6 years and my previous books, I knew first hand, how much information we lacked on general health and nutrition. However, the most important chapters in the book are about chiropractic and how having a great working nervous system impacts on our overall health, or why we need to be proactive instead of reactive because of things like iatrogenesis. This is hospital and medical error. We have advanced so much with the best doctors, drugs and surgeons, and where we would we be without medical advancement when it comes to saving lives and emergency, but our quality of life is still questionable and illness is on the rise. This is why we shouldn’t ‘wait till it’s broke to fix it.’ We are after all, only human, so it seemed timely to start taking control of our own health too.
What are some of the big take-aways from the new release? I’ve had the blessing of being able to stay connected to my readers over the many years via social media so the feedback has been instant. When I first started writing, we would have to wait for a letter or an email but this book is special. I’ve had readers tell me “this is mind food, literally!” And “I’m reading this again. I’ve read all your books but this is the best book you’ve ever written!” The immediacy of the reviews has made all the sleepless nights feel worthwhile. Being asked to do the cover story for La Palme magazine is surreal. I’ve watched it grow and have been a fan for years. The biggest takeaway is that we are finally connecting and celebrating inclusivity and how important medical freedom is to people.

How do we stay connected when we also must protect each other respectfully with social distancing? We need to all learn how to work together now and acknowledge that people want to build immunity in different ways. Health isn’t practiced as a “one size fits all” formula and a healthy body looks different on every person. You could be fit and lean, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re well. The W.H.O states in its definition of health, that it’s not about just the absence of symptoms or disease, but more about optimal function on evenly level, including social health. We need to find ways to adapt and stay connected socially and connect to our earth. The indigenous have been trying to teach us this for many years. Maybe it’s time to finally listen? Being exposed to diverse natural environments is a way to stay connected and create a conscious way of living.
Your also known for sharing your advice on love as we learn from a previous title; #InstaLovers, and the book was ahead of its time given lockdown and interpersonal human contact. As some restrictions globally ease how do you suggest we begin meeting ‘new people’? When I wrote this book and started researching about seven years ago: dating apps where new. Cat fishing was a thing and we had a broken and disconnected world where people were craving love. I worked towards helping to create healthy connections despite how apps suggested we could have a “quick fix” swipe or interaction. As it meaningful? Was it kind? Did it leave the person better than you found them? With “swipe life”, we thought we wanted “hook ups” but we were all searching for something so much deeper. I then released the book and went on a press tour in America. We noticed dating apps starting to apply some of my suggestions in how to “weed out the weirdos”. Some apps now allow you to video call without giving out your phone number. It was a safe way to interact and ascertain if there was a connection. Things have changed immensely and thankfully we had dating apps to stay connected during lockdown, but we are finally searching for more meaningful connections, which is what I’d always hoped for.
As an expert in your field how do you approach the science of things? In essence looking at the natural alternatives do you believe can be the way of the future. It’s not new. Natural healing has been around for years before the advance of allopathy. Is it alternative? What’s it an alternative to? We need both. I wrote Connected to heal the divide and I prefer to call it “complimentary”, not alternative medicine.

How do you balance career, motherhood and all that it entails? I’ve been sole parenting for years and it’s not been an easy ride at all, but I do realize that being a mother is a bedding that some will never have and so every day is a day I acknowledge as a blessing. I carry on with so much strength and energy for two reasons: 1. I live a healthy life and it gives me the energy to carry on with huge amounts of productivity. 2. It’s my calling to entertain and educate. When you live your inspired destiny; your energy is limitless because you’re working towards a purpose that’s greater than yourself. The juggle is real but what I learned is that I’d you fall, a net will always appear. Create community. Friends who become family are #framily. It takes a village to raise a child but mostly I realized how powerful women can be when they have to be!
Tell us about shooting your cover for Lapalme? It was a memorable and magical time. It was the eve of Melbourne’s curfew to be indoors by 8pm nightly and no longer working from 6pm. We shot this cover with my dear friend and photographer Giorgia Maselli and my ten year old son holding the reflector all from 4pm on a race against the clock. The dress was by my talented friend Jason Grech couture and the result was connected and spectacular. I later realized that night that it was also a full moon
What’s next for Andi Lew? There’s a radio show and podcast I’m working towards. I was on air in Melbourne radio for 4 years. I also want to come and spend time in America soon. I was mid 01 visa before the pandemic hit, but hopefully international travel woo happen again!
Where can our readers follow and find more information. Please stay connected on Instagram @andi.lew and grab a signed copy of my book on Andilew.com or the eBook is available on kindle too!

Photographed by Giorgia Maselli
Wardrobe by Australian Fashion Designer Jason Grech.
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