NFL alum, father, entrepreneur, philanthropist& fashion enthusiast are just some of the titles held by NFL star Nolan Carroll – who has played for the Miami Dolphins, Philadelphia Eagles, and Dallas Cowboys. Since retirement Carroll has transitioned into the business world; spearheading cutting edge tech w his app CoinGoat & also partnering w YoloRum. In perhaps his most important role since leaving the field (besides fatherhood) he is making change w his foundation; The Nolan Carroll foundation whose mission is to support Science Technology Engineering and Math educational opportunities, job skill training and to promote and encourage physical activities for underprivileged and at-risk youths. 

In the current world Covid 19 climate he is using his platform and sharing his story in the hopes to inspire the next generation w his own podcast, blog and so much more content to push a new generation to ask questions and start on their own path to personal, physical and mental success and wellness. Lapalme Magazine welcomes Nolan Carroll as a regular columnist and looks forward to sharing his perspective on a variety of topical issues from the world as it stands to business and family. 


If you ever really wanted something in life, it isn’t just handed to you. A lot of the time, work is required. However, if you’re going to be the best, you must work harder, smarter, longer than your competition. 

It is difficult as heck, I know. We as people live for the here and now and don’t take the time to plan out what three years down the road looks like five years, ten years, etc. 

Planning and hard work accomplish goal achievements you create for yourself. 

In college, my plan wasn’t to go to the NFL. I didn’t even know how that process worked. I just knew guys played in college then played in the NFL. 

I realized most of them went to the league because of the work they put in, not for just one season. I knew it would take three, four, or five years of consistency to get some shot at the next level. 

I spent weeks of preparation and harnessing my talents to play as fast as possible and be the best I can all the time. 

I didn’t want to stand out with just my talent. I wanted my work ethic to be unparalleled to anyone else. Even if other players were more talented, I just needed to outwork them to succeed. 

Wherever you may want to go or want to be, it always starts with a dream. I Remember this quote I heard from my pastor, Rich Wilkerson. He said, “A dream without a goal is just a wish.” 

If we take no plan of action or have no desire to work and accomplish a goal, we are hoping we dream hard enough to happen. 

You need to put in the work!!!!! You are the one who needs to go the extra mile to gain the upper hand. The real competition is not between opponents. It is YOU vs. YOU!!! 

The more you push your limits, the healthier you become, the more willpower you create, more discipline, and motivation because you created your mindset to transfer dreams into reality! 

Set your goals, make a plan, and execute. 

Nolan II 

Follow Nolan on Social: @carrollcity

Visit nolanacarroll.com for more information on his various ventures and projects. 

Photo Credit: Young Wild Dreams youngwilddreams.com 
