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Media Maven: Diana Madison

Media Maven: Diana Madison
 Appearing as a fashion and pop culture expert on, among others, E! News, The Wendy Williams Show, The Talk on CBS, and TV Guide Network, is all in a day’s work for Diana Madison. From in depth exclusive interviews with Hollywood’s hottest stars, red carpet reporting, fashion writing, to producing her own shows, it’s motherhood that has made Diana find a new strength within her.

We chatted with Diana about the new balancing act between motherhood, LA red carpets and new pressures of social media.

1. You are like Superwomen doing it all! From TV to red carpets, blogging, producing shows and being a Mom, how do you balance it all and make time to be successful in everything?

Motherhood makes you feel like a superwoman. After going through labor and delivering a baby girl… I really feel this new urge of strength and truly believe that I can conquer any obstacle. Although it’s not easy to juggle work and motherhood …somehow us women manage to make it happen. The best secret I can share to prioritize. Passion is my fuel and drives me to keep working, creating new things and live my dreams. I truly feel like I have my dream job and enjoy every second. In the end, I really do feel like women can have it all.


2. You have interviewed a lot of celebrities between your show and reporting. What is your most memorable interview moment? 

My favorite interview in the last nine years of hosting, it would have to be Oprah Winfrey. I grew up idolizing her and it was such an honor to speak with her. I recently told her that she is the main reason that I have a talk show. She was super sweet and even rubbed my belly – I was nine months pregnant at the time. It was a special moment…I felt the baby kick. I think Collette was more excited than I was!


3. Tell me about your work on Obsev.com and “The Lowdown With Diana Madison”.

Obsev.com is the latest property that my company (Shandy media) has launched. It is the perfect destination for millennials seeking content in the world of entertainment, sports, food, lifestyle and style. My online talk show, “The Lowdown With Diana Madison” can be found on Obsev.com and is going into its third season. I came up with the idea over three years ago when I was thinking about what my dream job would be. In this day and age, I believe that if you have an idea, then you make it happen for yourself.  You can’t sit there and wait – or daydream – you must create the platform for yourself-

Read the full interview and  editorial in the LAPALME  Spring Issue.


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Editorial Credits:
Photographed by Troy Jensen
Instagram @itstroyjensen
Model Diana Madison
Producer by Jarek Addison
Instagram @jarekaddison
Hair Stylist Tony Medina
Instagram @hisvintagetouch
Stylist Doris May Day
Instagram @DorisMayDay