Home » Lovelyloot: The Beauty-Obsessed’s Newest Must-Have App

Lovelyloot: The Beauty-Obsessed’s Newest Must-Have App

Lovelyloot: The Beauty-Obsessed’s Newest Must-Have App

Introducing the next best thing in beauty + tech. From writers and bloggers, to the everyday consumer–Lovelyloot is here to make life as a beauty junkie a whole lot easier.



What is it?

Lovelyloot is a mobile app available for iOS (Android is coming soon!) that is essentially a hybrid between Pinterest and Evernote. The app serves as a place to store and remember all of your beauty discoveries. Whether you want to remember the shade of your favorite bronzer,  that awesome palette you saw on Instagram, the products Kandee Johnson used on YouTube, or that recommendation you just got for a new lipstick, you finally have a super organized place to keep it all on lock.

Lovelyloot My Loot

How does it work?

With over 100,000 products in its database, users are able to create lists and product round-ups based on their specified custom categories. Think: you’re working on a blog post about the best mascaras–now you finally have somewhere to keep track of them all. Or perhaps you’re a makeup artist who wants to easily share the products you used with your client–voila! Maybe you don’t want to have to hold onto that foundation bottle until you go to Ulta for a refill–now you can chuck the empty without fearing you’ll forget the shade.

What’s more, all products have click-out links that lead you directly to the product at hand so that you can buy it straight from the screen of your phone without having to fight the inevitably long line at Sephora. #Hallelujah


All in all, whether you want to discover new products, share your faves with friends, or easily organize your must-haves, Lovelyloot has truly brought a game changer to the beauty world.

Happy Shopping!